Here's a list of translations. Afrikaans Translation. lyne. More Afrikaans words for line. ry noun. row, ride. reeks noun.
1. Shame! This is an endearing term that is used by South Africans in just about every social situation. Seriously, when in doubt, just say "Ag shame" and your sentiment will be greatly appreciated. A: "I just got a new puppy.". B: "Shame.". A: "Her sister is seriously ill and was admitted to hospital.". B: "Shame.".
Mar 11, 2019 · Afrikaanse Vergelykings – Afrikaans Simile – Your Comprehensive & Fun Guide. 20 Afrikaans words with interesting English literal translations. A Poem You Can Read in English and Afrikaans. A Journey through the Medieval City of Sighisoara. Vlad the Impaler’s (Dracula’s)Medieval Feast. Wine or Blood? Living At The Cultural And. It means het het arge or he is lief vir jou. In this language, I love you (if your struggle wasn't difficult). She is Niyakutanda, the queen of the land. Is there anything different now, k e a go rata. The go rata begins as, Sesotho: a rata. The words "siniyu" and "ningaiyakutsandza" are Angiyakutsandza's.
Tight line definition: A line is a long thin mark which is drawn or painted on a surface. [...] | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. Jun 27, 2020 · Bait: cut bait works the best use any non game species like carp, buffalo, sucker fish. Rig your leaders up at least 30" long with a treble hook on one end and a heavy duty swivel on the other. you want cut your bait in at least 4"x4" chunks and fish on the bottom like for catfish but without a weight.
May 22, 2019 · Tight lines on the Ash River. A subject seldom touched on (but featured in the WildFly Fishing Series on Supersport) is the excellent trout fishing to be had in the Ash river just below the Ash River Outfall. It seems that trout in our local rivers has become a bit of an environmental hot potato, with purists arguing that they do not belong in.
Bites your line tightens. As a well-wishing remark that's what it would mean to me, too. But a. route round the track. I'm also sure they talk of a bowler at cricket. bowling a "tight line" as opposed to a "loose" one. You can write. "tight code", too: better than spaghetti. So perhaps Heng's.
1. Say "Goeiemôre!" to greet someone in the morning. This is the formal way to say "Good morning" in Afrikaans. [8] Many Afrikaans speaking people will shorten this to "Môre!" as an informal way to say "Good morning". 2. Use "Goeie middag" to greet someone in the afternoon. The fat doctor Daan Diederichs on Tuesday, the third of December, drinks three mugs of intoxicating drinks; thereafter the doctor is threatened by the drink-devil, but the doctor pushes the drink-devil way through the three-times triple barbed-wire in front of the dam wall. Back to List. Original: My liewe neef Louw, my neus jeuk nou.
The word punch‐line could not be translated into the selected target language by ‐line could not be translated into the selected target language by us. . The word or expression tight schedule has not been found in our database. 3. How do you say I'm fine in Afrikaans? 4. How do you say I don't know in Afrikaans? 5. What is how are you in Afrikaans? Corrections? As most of the translations in the list above are user submitted, it's quite possible for there to be mistakes on the page. If you speak Afrikaans and have a correction you'd like to share, feel free to leave a.
Aug 05, 2019 · Using wire line gives you flexibility that other lines do not. As shown below, there are many lure types you can use with wire to match the bait the bass are feeding on. Any of the above lures fished on wire will easily get down deep where the bigger bass like to hang out, especially during the summer. A productive tactic we use aboard Wingman. Bung - (from Afrikaans 'bang' — to be scared) to be afraid of someone. kêrel - police man. choon - to tell someone something. laanie - From the Afrikaans word meaning "fancy", but used by Indian people to mean "smart guy" ("Smart" as in "well-to-do") or, more frequently, "boss". Compare larnie. Dec 03, 2021 · Here is the translation and the Afrikaans word for straight line.
Here's how you say it. Afrikaans Translation. stywe. More Afrikaans words for tight. styf. tight. Find more words!.
Apr 23, 2014 · I guess that a tight line is a line being pulled by a big fish.. Could a fisherman ask for more? When said between fishermen, it means "good luck". Tight lines means you are hooked up with a fish, i.e. the line being tight between you and the fish. When you say that to a fishing friend, i.
Apr 24, 2022 · If you want to know how to say tight in Afrikaans, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand Afrikaans better. Here is the translation and the Afrikaans word for tight.
Apr 25, 2011 · all ya need is a basic coarse set up from sumwhere like argos for like 15 squid or sumin( nice lil 6ft rod , few floats ,hooks , line , reel , rod rest n bait tin , disgorger) its all included and ya dont need pro set up for a weeks fishing on holiday so it will do fine. I use one meself up there and caught many tench ,bream , eels on such kit. English: The more naked the jackal, the bigger its tail. Meaning: Those who have the least, brag the most. As die hemel val is ons almal dood. English: If heaven falls, we're all dead. Meaning. Choose the first letter to select required language: Translation Services USA offers professional translation services for English to Navajo and Navajo to English language pairs. We also translate Navajo to and from any other world language. We can translate into over 100 different languages. In fact, Translation Services USA is the only agency.